Rune Raiders Mobile App Review

Rune raiders retro64 review

Download Rune Raiders on Google Play or Itunes
Developed by Retro64
Genre: Brain & Puzzle
MobileMush Reviews Rating: 8/10

So awhile back on FlashMush Reviews I reviewed a little game called Rune Raiders. Flash forward to today and I downloaded it on my Nexus 7 and felt the need to do a more mobile app centric review here at MobileMush Reviews.

rune raiders perfect teamIf you're not familiar with Rune Raiders it really is a simple game to pick up and learn. You get together a party of characters ranging from archers to dwarves to fireworks salesmen. Each has different skills and attack patterns. You then place them on a grid like board and move them forward to battle! You will encounter plenty of enemies which also have various attack patterns (for example some may only attack in a straight line, others at angles, etc.) and you must formulate a strategy on how to win or even have to rework your team structure.

Rune Raiders offers tons of enemy types to battle and even better they offer tons of characters you can play with. There are also tons of levels and a survival mode to keep you busy. As a mobile game I feel Rune Raiders is perfectly adapted to the touch screen capabilities and really is a fun game to play. The only issue I have with Rune Raiders is exactly surprisingly completely different than my main issue from my flash game review on it; the difficulty. Before I found the game to be too hard, but now I found it to be too easy. Once you reach a certain point (at the fireworks salesmen) I just power housed through all the levels. Still a fun game, don't get me wrong, but at that point there was literally no challenge. Overall though Rune Raiders is a great mobile game and will keep you busy for a while.

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