Drop7 Mobile App Review

drop7 zynga game

Download Drop7 for Android or Itunes
Developed by Zynga
Genre: Brain & Puzzle
MobileMush Reviews Rating: 8.5/10

If you follow my other blog, FlashMush Reviews, you'll notice I already did a review on Drop7 but decided I would kind of do a re-do and review Drop7 again for MobileMush.

how to beat drop7 strategySo I love puzzle games yet I find that for the most part when it comes to mobile games I just don't find that many I like...or at least free ones. However, I discovered Drop7 a while ago from my girlfriend and I was instantly addicted. Gameplay is very simple and while the rules may sound complicated at first they really aren't and you will be playing like a professional in no time. How do you play, you may be asking? Simple, basically you have numbered disks on a grid playing field and you drop more numbered disks on top and beside the others. The number corresponds to how many disks need to be in a row or column to disappear kind of like in Tetris. So for instance if you have a disk with a 5 on it you need to have five disks in a row or column for that 5 to break apart. As disks break apart they can bust apart grey disks revealing numbers and also gravity kicks in and combos are possible.

Ok...So I know that sounds complicated and I warned you but really pick Drop7 up for yourself and you will see that with the in game tutorial it is really simple to pick up. Drop7 is a great example of a unique and minimalistic mobile game that is also super addicting!

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