Zen Bound 2 Mobile App Review

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Download Zen Bound 2 for AndroidItunes and on Steam
Developed by Secret Exit
Genre: Brain & Puzzle
MobileMush Reviews Rating: 9.5/10

To relax some people mediate, others do yoga and some people...well some people wrap little wooden statues with rope to paint them. Sound ridiculous  Well, it may be but it is the premise of the very unique and interesting mobile app Zen Bound 2.
Zen Bound 2 statue nails

I wasn't kidding when I said the purpose of Zen Bound 2 is wrapping wooden figurines with rope to paint them. It does sound like a crazy idea and one that doesn't make sense but it is what it is and it works quite well especially on touch screen devices. So the goal is to cover the most percentage of the wooden statues with the paint by wrapping the rope around it. Of course the challenge comes in the fact that you have a certain length of rope as well as the figurines have weird shapes so you really have to be tactical in where you want the rope to go and be fairly precise. Most surprisingly is that with this weird idea of painting statues with rope it really is pretty relaxing.
Rope bomb nail zen bound 2

On top of the weirdly relaxing and addicting gameplay mechanics I was very impressed with just the quality of game Zen Bound 2 is. The graphics are absolutely stunning in terms of realism and level of detail. Just take a look at the two screenshots I have posted on this entry and you'll see. But even the menu systems are very professional looking. I also want to mention the tightness of the controls and how even though Zen Bound 2 requires you at times to be pretty detailed in your motions, the touch screen control scheme can handle it excellently. Overall Zen Bound 2 is unlike any other game I've ever played and trust me I've played plenty, so bravo Secret Exit on making a game that has almost left me completely speechless.



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